General Information
The following statistics were pulled from the United States Census Bureau, StatsIndiana: Indiana's Public Data Utility, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, and Indiana University.
Population & Size
With a population of nearly 86,000 people, the city of Bloomington includes just over 23 square-miles and ranks as Indiana's seventh most populated city. Monroe County has a total population of over 148,000 people and covers 394.5 square-miles, ranking as Indiana's 12th most populated county.
Age Distribution
Because Bloomington is a college town, the county's median age, 30.5 years, is much lower than that of the state as a whole, 38.0, with a high proportion of residents in the 18-24 age group. The three groups ranging from 18-64 years, representing the majority of "working age" residents, currently account for over 70% of the county population.
Cultural Diversity
Although the most recent US Census numbers indicate that 81.9% of Bloomington's population is White, the presence of Indiana University ensures a healthy mix of races and ethnicities in & around Bloomington. Of the remaining population, 10.2% are Asian, 3.9% are Black or African American, 4.4% are Hispanic or Latino, and 0.3% are Native American. Bloomington embraces all cultural identities and is home to centers celebrating Tibetan Buddhists, Black & African Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, and Hispanics & Latinos.
Economy & Employment
Bloomington has a thriving economy, thanks in part to Indiana University, Cook Medical, and Crane Naval Base, three of the largest employers in the area. Other major employers can be found in the healthcare, education, government, tourism, and manufacturing industries. Bloomington's unemployment rate is just under 4%.
Educational Background
Bloomington's population ranks higher in terms of education in comparison to state and national averages, reflecting the presence of Indiana University, IVY Tech Community College, and numerous scientific, technical, and professional establishments. Nearly 93% of Bloomington's population have a high school diploma or higher, and nearly 56% have a Bachelor's degree or higher. Of all Monroe County adults ages 25+, nearly 46% have a B.A. or higher, ranking the county third in Indiana and beating the national average of 37.5%.
Indiana University
Indiana University enrolled its inaugural 10 students in 1824 as the first college west of the Allegheny Mountains. Now, total enrollment is approaching 50,000 and includes students from all 50 states and more than 160 countries. Students choose IU for its outstanding research facilities, state-of-the-art resources, and nationally-ranked academic programs — four of which rank number one in the country. IU is also home to several visitor attractions and performance venues, including the Eskenazi Museum of Art, Musical Arts Center, Lilly Library, and IU Auditorium. Over the years, Hoosier sports teams have won a combined 24 NCAA National Championships and proudly claim 104 Olympic medalists.