Thank You

Each year, the Hoosier Sports Corp (HSC) works with over 30 sporting events to attract, promote and develop sporting events that have a positive economic impact on Bloomington and Monroe County. HSC has been involved with ASA Nationals, NCAA and Big Ten Competitions, the Hoosier Half Marathon, IHSAA State Track & Field Championships, and more. Events of this caliber drive substantial economic impact to the Bloomington and Monroe County area.

Contact us so we can help your sporting event succeed in Bloomington! Complete our form to request information, or contact Pete Nelson, Sports Sales & Marketing Manager for HSC, directly at 812-355-7726

The Hauntings of Monroe County

  • 4 min read

From the most haunted cemeteries to the most haunted buildings, residents, employees, and visitors have told their reports of hauntings throughout Bloomington and Monroe…