Monroe County

The Monroe County Board of Commissioners is made up of three individuals, elected by the county population. The commissioners have a wide range of executive and administrative authority. There are several county departments that are directly or indirectly under the authority of the Monroe County Commissioners. The Monroe County Board of Commissioners meets bi-weekly to approve payroll and claims, receive reports, sign resolutions, and receive legislation.

The Monroe County Council is made up of seven elected members: four that represent districts of the county and three who serve the county at large. The council is responsible for the appropriation of all funds for county use, adopts county budget, fixes county tax rate, and has exclusive power to borrow money for the county.

City of Bloomington

The City of Bloomington Common Council is composed of nine members who are elected by the voters of the city to represent them over a four-year term. Six of the members represent individual districts, and three of the members serve the city at-large. As the legislative body of the city, the council is responsible for passing ordinances, resolutions, orders, and motions for the governing of the city, the control of the city's property & finances, and the appropriation of money. These actions are taken at public meetings, which are generally held on the first four Wednesdays of the month in the Council Chambers of the Showers City Hall. The current mayor of Bloomington is John Hamilton.